There are also a number of of other club awards that are handed out:
“Jan Blizzard” Trophy – formerly know as the “Arthur Blizzard” trophy, and is awarded to club members that go above and beyond in service to the club. This is a prestigious award that is not handed out every year, only when truly deserved. You know when someone receives this award you know they have truly given their all to the club throughout the year. A great opportunity for all club members to say thank you.
“Big Blowers” – for the biggest engine fail during the year
“Presidents Award” – for outstanding recognition of club contribution
“Touring Trophy” – for our most social trusty club member that completes the most Kms as part of the touring groups throughout the year. Not all of us are able to compete in race events but we all have a passion for bikes and riding the roads.
“Volunteers Award” – for the volunteer who consistently contributes to the successful running of our race meetings. These events would not happen without these dedicated individuals (management committee member are ineligible for this award)