Club Meetings

BOARD Meetings

Board Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, Meetings typically start at 7.00pm.

These are closed meetings and any additional attendance is by invite only if deemed to be required for a specific reason.


Members are welcome to Forum meetings, these are designed to allow the members and the board to openly discuss all things, club, sport, events, and other social activities within the club. The open Forum of this meeting allows for an interesting night. Truly bringing back the social aspect of a club to the club.

If you want something specific to be raised during the Forum, please fill in the link following to have added to the Agenda. Suggested you have submitted the document no later than the MONDAY prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEMS Google Forms. 

New to the club or wish to come along as a visitor to ask information about the sport, the club or just to talk motorcycles… the more the merrier.

Forum meeting time will generally follow on from the Board meeting at 8pm. Destinations are varied and please stay up to date through the Facebook page for locations and or links to meetings.


Position Name Email
Director amd Chair Nick Marsh [email protected]
Director Peter Snow [email protected]
Director Lance Robertson [email protected]
Director Andrew Burley n/a
Director Carl Kitson n/a
Director Chris Batt n/a
Director Zara Griffin n/a
Non Elected Director Aaron Schereck n/a
Non Elected Director Chris Baker n/a


Position Name Email
Race Organising Lead n/a n/a
Race Organising n/a n/a
Race Organising n/a n/a
Race Organising n/a n/a
Race Organising n/a n/a
Memberships Marc Shaw [email protected]
Volunteers Zara Griffin [email protected]
Software / Systems  Todd Keogh n/a


Position Name Email
MNSW Delegate Aaron Schereck n/a
MNSW Delegate Greg Epis n/a
MNSW Delegate Lance Robertson n/a
Nepean Delegate Steve Wyers n/a